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Asked to Meet Task Individual English Language Course II
Lecturer: Meli Fauziah, S.Pd., MA.
Arranged By:

                            Paelani Setia (1168030160)



A. Background
Along with the growing development of the human civilization, the science that is connected in philosophy and then broke away and sided with their own affairs. Precisely on the 19th year, the sociology of science appeared as the knowledge that try to stand alone with the study of life manjusia in society, in addition, it appears also that studies of human psychology as an individual associated with the behavior and human nature.
Sociology as the study of human life in society is very diverse studies, as explained on the Social Status, Social Cultural, Social Stratification, including social institutions, and many others related to the study of sociology.
The institution of Social or Social Institutions, stems from the growth of a bond strength of human relationships is very closely related to the enforceability of a norm as a benchmark in an effort to meet their needs, such as the need for a sense of beauty, justice, education, family tranquility and others.
According Soerjono Soekanto (1982), that the growth of social institutions because human beings in life requires regularity, then formulated the norms in society. Initially these norms formed by accident, but eventually made a conscious [1]. For example, in the first purchase, an intermediary does not have to give part of the profits, but long-run going habit that such intermediaries must have their share. Where once defined who pays it, the buyer or seller.
B. Problem Formulation

1. Definition of Social Institutions
2. Process-Process of Social Institutions
3. opinions The Experts On Social Institutions
4. Types In Social Institutions
5. Elements in Social Institutions
6. Function And Purpose Of Social Institutions.


A. Definition of Social Institus

The term comes from the word Intitution Institute which refers to the notion of a well-established. In a sociological sense, the institution can be described as an organ that functions in society. Institutions originally formed from a habit that was done continuously until it becomes custom, later developed menjaadi behavior patterns (mores).
According Hoarton and Hunt, social institutions (institutation) is not a building, not a collection of a group of people, and not an organization. Institution (institutations) is a system of norms to achieve a goal or activity that is deemed important by the community or formally, a set of habits and behavior patterns which revolved around a basic human activity. In other words, the Institute is a structured process (composed} to carry out certain activities.
 Opinion leaders about social Organization Definition:
According Koentjaraningkrat: social Institution is a system of Ethics and relationship-centered social akatifitas complexes to meet special needs in public life.
by Leopold Von Weise and Becker: Organization is a social network of human relations and the process of inter-group which serves to maintain the relationship as well as the patterns that suit individual interests and group interests.
According to Robert Mac Iver and C.H. Page: Social Institute is a procedure or procedures that have been created to regulate the relationships between people who belong to a community group.
According Soerjono Soekanto, social Institution is a set of norms on all levels that range on a staple in people's lives.
Habits and behavior patterns is the human way of behaving which already has the structure of people's lives. According to R. M. Mac Iver and CH. Page in his book Society, that the institutions are the forms or conditions established procedures, which were characteristic for the group's activities. Groups that implement these standards, called the association. Berger named as a procedure which caused the actions of people in the press and by certain patterns and forced to move by road which is considered in accordance with the wishes of the people. While Mayor Polak JBAF. (1979), stating that the institution or Social Intitution, is a complex or system of rules and customs that maintain the values ​​that are important. Selosoemardjan and Soelaiman Soemardi (1964) intitution social translates as "social organizations". Said the agency considered appropriate, therefore unless pointing at divulging forms, also contain an abstract notion of the existence of rules. The institute has the objective to regulate the relationship between organized to meet human needs is most important. The source explained that the agency was to involve not only the pattern of activity that was born from the social point of view to meet human needs, but also the pattern of organization to implement them. Needs include: mencai riski, procreation or resume types, meets the spirit and purpose of maintaining order.
Thus, the institute include the aspects, habits, behavior patterns, norms or rules of law. This means that the term institution is a collection of various ways of behaving that are recognized by members of the public as a means to regulate social relations.
According to W. Hamilton, that the institutions are the ways of life of the group, which if violated will be subject to various degrees of sanctions. Then Soerjono Soekanto concluded according to sociological point of view by putting institutions as social institutions, namely as a network rather than the processes of the relationship between people and between human groups that function transform and maintain these relationships and the patterns, in accordance with the interests manusai and group. Sumner look at it from the angle of culture, defines civil society as an act of ideals, attitudes and cultural completions, which has an eternal nature and aims to meet the needs of society. Important is that there is order and intregrasi in society.
Of the various expert opinions above we can conclude is a group institutions, values, norms, regulations and social role in the community. so
No faceted cultural institutions that form the norms and values ​​that exist in terms of the form kulturilnya bebagai social role. Both terms were berantar a close relationship with one another.
Given that the purpose of the association of social organizations with specific objectives, in a modern society like now a lot of familiar groups that have objectives such tertentu.Dengan associations connected with their many and various public-public in modern society convoluted.
That the validity of organizational forms are more universal that is based on institutions granted the same as the institutions, such as family and negara.Hal is not misleading as long as we are not sure and do not forget the differences theoretically, is as complexes regulations and social rollers in the abstract and in umumya as organizational forms that are based on institutions concretely.
In general, it can be stated that the institutionalization occurred when a group of people with an extensive and close relationship enough to face the work to coordinate activities in order to achieve certain goals or overcome the difficulties together. If earlier said that institutionalization is stabilization, it has been emphasized several times beforehand that the stable is not synonymous with the static. Conversely, the stability in the social sector is always more or less dynamic.
Thus the "institutionalization" is a process that also includes the "de-institutionalization" and "re-institutionalization". Old institutions crumble and be replaced by new institutions or symbol-simnol birth preserved and passed on therapy with new contents. Law-making is part of the process of institutionalization, de-institutionalization and re-institutionalization.
B. Processes Institutional Growth (Institution)

In sociology known there are four levels in the process of institutionalization, is as follows.
1. How (usage) which refers to a perbuataan.
2. How to make it continue to do so it becomes a habit (fokways), is the act which has been repeated in every attempt to achieve certain goals.
3. Where the customs kemusian accepted as standards or norms regulating behavior act, then there is an element in it is the supervisor and if there are deviations, the perpetrator will be penalized.
4. Rules of behavior which is getting stronger which reflects the strength of the pattern of society mengikata members. Such behavior patterns called customs, then he will get tougher sanctions. In Lampung, for example, a taint or restrictions if a girl accidentally came idamannnya because she missed the man is not detained, even he can be isolated from the other girls flunky relationship that is considered impure.
Then another opinion about the emergence of social institutions can happen through two ways basically there are similarities between the two, namely:
1. The ad hoc basis.
2. planned manner.
In unplanned means that the institution was born gradually in people's lives, this usually happens when people are faced with problems or matters related to the fulfillment of life is very important. An example is in economic life, in the past, to obtain an item using the barter system, but because it is already inefficient and troublesome, then made money as a payment instrument that is recognized internationally, until the economic institutions such as banks and so on.

Systematically means the institutions emerge through a process perncanaan mature governed by a person or group of people who have power and authority. Examples transmigration agency created by the government as a way to overcome the problem of overcrowding. The brief said that the process of formation of social institutions originated from people who need each other. Need each other is going well then arise rules called societal norms. Societal norms can work well if established social institutions.

Hasan Shadily (1984) in his book "Sociology Society Indonesia", explained that the customs by members of the group, especially in a simple society, it is very hard maintained, and the offense was sentenced to death, among other things: the taboo, ban hard to step on a region which is said to be sacred, or doing prohibited. In Islam more understandings of legal institutions such as haram, makruh, legal and so on, which have meanings firmly. A breakdown by successive immortality are: habits, customs, institutions, formation, although baats firm can not be said.
To be able to distinguish the power level of binding norms sociologically known four types of norms:

1. How (usage). This norm indicates a form of action and have a very weak force. How (usage) is more prominent in the relationship between individuals in society. A deviation from this norm will not result in penalties but usually can reproach. Examples of how to eat a noisy, minimal while voice etc.
2. Habit folkways) specifies the actions that are repeated in the same form. Examples of people who have a habit of giving due respect to the older age etc.
3. The customs (custom) Rules of behavior that has lasted a long time and integrates strongly with patterns of behavior can increase the strength of its normative society becomes mores.

C. Types of social institutions

a. Based on the angle of development

1. Cresive institution that istitusi who accidentally grew out of the community mores.
      Examples of religious institutions, marriage and property rights.
2. Enacted institution is the institution deliberately set up to achieve a certain goal. For example, educational institutions.
b. Based on the point value received by the public.
1. Basic institutions are social institutions that are considered important to maintain both and maintain order in society. For example, the family, schools, the State is regarded as the basic institutions of the principal.
2. Subsidiary institutions are social institutions with regard to matters that are considered
       by the public is less important and different in each community.
c. Based on the angle of acceptance.
     1. Approved or sanctioned social institutions are social institutions that received by
           communities such as school or trading company.
2. unsanctioned institutions are institutions that rejected the public though the public
           not be able to eradicate it. Examples of criminal organizations.

d. Based on the point spread.
1. General institutions that the institution is known by most people.
        Examples of religious institutions.
2. Restrikted institution of social institutions that only known and embraced by a fraction
       certain people, for example Islam, Protestant, Catholic and Buddhist.

e. Pursuant angle function
1. Operative institutions namely the institution that collects patterns or ways required of the community concerned. Examples of economic institutions.
   2. regulative institutions that oversee the institution aims customs or codes of conduct in society. Examples of laws and of political institutions such as the courts and the prosecutor's office.
D. Elements in Social Institutions

Similarities between these institutions because of its function is somewhat the same, namely to consolidate and stabilize. To carry out this function used techniques somewhat similar. These techniques include:
1. Each institution has a symbol-symbol. The state has the flag, religion has a symbol of a crescent moon star, crosses, swastikas, and so on. Besides buildings often become a kind of symbol as well, such as the White House in Washington, the Kremlin in Mokswa Downing street in London, and others.
2. The institutions most familiar ceremonies also dank ode-formal code of behavior, in the form of oaths, pledges, penbacaan obligations and so forth. The purpose of the codes and formal ceremonies, so it is to convict the social roles imposed by these institutions to the members of the community. The only formal code is a guideline for all actions required in various situations to perform a social role as he pleases by an institution.
3. Each institution also recognize various values ​​along with rationalizations or sublimation-sublimation that justify or glorify social roles foreseen by the institutions.
E. Institutions In The Family

The family is the smallest social unit in society. And also the first institutions to enter a human being when they are born.

a. Family formation process.
In general, families formed through legitimate marriage according to the religion, customs or government in the process as follows:
adnya begins with the interaction between men and women
Interaction is done repeatedly, then became more intimate social relationships, causing the mating process.
After the marriage, descent formed, and then forming the core family

The question is how the relationship between the family institution with religious institutions?
b. Purpose of Marriage.
To obtain offspring.
To increase the degree and social status of both men and women.
bring back relatives who already tenuous relationship.
In order not to fall inheritance to another person.
c. family functioning
Reproductive function means that the families of the children is a form of love and responsibility marital offspring.
Socialization function means that the family plays a role in shaping a child's personality to conform to the expectations of parents and society. The family as primary socialization vehicle should be capable of applying the values ​​and norms of society through the example of their parents.
Function affective meaning in the family needed the warmth of a sense of compassion and concern among family members, which is one of human needs as beings think and immoral (needs integrative) if the child is less or do not get it, chances are it is difficult to control rogue, can even fall into crime.
The economic function means that the family, especially parents have the economic obligations seluaruh family. Husband's mother as a secretary in the family should be able to process the finance that company needed in the household can be satisfied.
The function of social control means that every member of the family is substantially perform the control or supervision because they have a sense of responsibility in maintaining the good name of the family.
Protection function (protection) protection functions indispensable means terutma family of the child, the child will feel safe sehigngga live in the midst of his family. He will feel protected from the threat of constant physical and mental that comes from within the family or outside the family.
Award function status through marriage means that a person will get a new status or position in society, the husband or wife. Automatically they will be treated as a person who has grown up and able to be responsible for themselves, their families, children and communities.
d. The role and function of educational institutions
1. manifestation function of education
a. Helping people to earn a living.
b. Helping to develop their potential to the fulfillment of their needs.
c. Preserving culture to captivate the generations that caramengajarkannya next.
d. Stimulate democratic participation through teaching conversational skills and develop rational thinking.
e. Enriching lives by creating kemungkainan to the development of intellectual horizons and love the sense of beauty.
f. Improving the ability to adjust through personal guidance and a wide range of courses
g. Improve the health of the nation's youth through exercise and sport.
h. Create citizens who patreotik through the lessons that illustrate the glory of the nation.
i. Shaping the personality ie arrangement of elements and spirit that define the differences of behavior or actions of each individual.
2. Functions of the institution in Education.
This function is related to the functioning of the education agency covertly ie create or give birth to adulthood learners. The brief said that the function of education related to real functions (manifest) are:
1. Prepare community members to make a living
2. Develop a natural talent for the sake of personal satisfaction and for kepentaingan society.
3. Preserving culture
4. Instill skills necessary for participation in a democracy.
F. The purpose and function of the Economic institutions

In effect the goals to be achieved by economic institutes are to meet basic needs for survival of the community.

a. Functions of the economic institutions are:
1. Provide guidance to get food.
2. Provide guidance to the exchange of goods / barter.
3. Give pedomantentang price of selling goods.
4. Provide guidelines for using labor.
5. Provide guidance on how wages.
6. Provide pedomantentang way of termination of employment.
7. Provides for the community's identity.

b. The structure of economic institutions
Simply put, economic institutions can be classified as follows.
1. The agricultural sector which includes agriculture, such as rice fields, farming, fishing, and pertenakan. (Gathering / collection) is the process of collecting the goods or natural resources from the environment.
2. The industrial sector is characterized by the production of goods. (Production)
3. The trade sector is an activity of distribution of goods from producers to consumers {Distributing) is the process of distribution of goods and komonditas on other subsystems


A. Conclusion

1. Social Institutions or Social Institute is a habit and behavior patterns which is the human way of behaving which already has a structure in society.
2. Social Institutions or Social Institute is a complex or system of rules and customs which in this case is to maintain all related to values diangapnya important.
3. Social Institutions or Social Institute is an organized pattern to meet the various needs of men, who are born with their different cultures, as an appropriate provision to meet the concept of public welfare and give birth to a structure.
4. Social Institutions or Social Institute is a system of norms to achieve a goal or activity formal, structured (arranged} for carrying out certain activities.


Syani, Ahmad. Sosiologi Skematika, Teori, dan Terapan, Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2002.

[1] Abdul Syani, Sosiologi Skematika, Teori, dan Terapan. (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2002), h. 77.

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