by - 02.05

Asked to Meet Task Individual English Language Course II
Lecturer: Meli Fauziah, S.Pd., MA.
Arranged By:

                                                       Paelani Setia (1168030160)




In life, every society must have experienced changes. No group of people who does not change. Such changes can occur in many areas of life, for example in the areas of political, economic, social and cultural changes related to. Changes in the social sector in a society often known as social change.

Social changes that occur in people's lives is influenced by many factors and also the changes may be headed toward the positive or toward the negative. In this case, means that changes can be made better, but also vice versa. Surely social change is influenced by various factors and have various impacts on people's lives. And the experts have different opinions about social change. Therefore, through this paper, we want to know bagamaina opinion of experts on social change and an example of the changes that occur in a community environment.

From the above background can be obtained formulation of the problem as follows:
1. What is the definition of social change in society?
2. How is the opinion of experts on social change?
3. What are the different types of social change?
4. What are the social changes that occur in the environment?

Our goal to be obtained from the manufacture of this paper are:
1. To find the definition of social change in society.
2. To know the opinion of experts on social change.
3. To know the types of social change.
4. To determine social changes that occur in the environment.

The benefits we get from the manufacture of this paper are:

1. Can know the definition of social change in society.
2. Can know the opinion of experts on social change.
3. Can know the types of social change.
4. Can determine social changes that occur in the environment.



Social change can be regarded as a change of the social phenomena that exist in society, from the individual to the more complex. Social change can be seen in terms of the sustainability of social unity among although the situation is relatively small. These changes include the structure, functions, values, norms, institutions, and all aspects resulting from the interaction between people, organizations or communities, including changes in terms of culture.

Social change is divided into two beings as follows:

1) Changes in the sense of progress (progress) or profitable.

2) Changes in the sense of deterioration (Regress) which carried less influence for the public benefit.

If social change may move towards progress, society will develop. Instead, social change can also cause people's lives setbacks.

The introduction of technology, how to make a living, migration, the introduction of new ideas, and the emergence of new social-value value to supplement or replace the value - the old social values ​​are some examples of social change in the aspect of life. In other words, social change is a shift towards a new state that is different from the previous state.

There are two factors that can lead to social change, which is a factor that comes from within the community and also the factors that come from outside the community. Factors that comes from the community itself include: increasing or decreasing population, new inventions, contradictions in society, and the uprising or resolution in the body of society itself. Meanwhile, factors which come from outside the community include: the causes are derived from the physical environment around humans, wars with other countries, and the influence of other cultures.

In addition to the factors that lead to social change, those factors that drive and impede social change. Factors encouraging change are: contact with other cultures, education systems are more advanced, respect for the work of someone and the desire to progress, tolerance, coating systems open society, the population is heterogeneous, community dissatisfaction with life spheres certain , orientation to the face, and also the value of improving the standard of living.

Factors that inhibit the change soaial are: lack of relationships with other communities, the development of science is too late, the attitude of society traditionalistic, their interests have been embedded with powerful, fear the shakiness of culture, prejudice against things that are new, ideological barriers, customs and values ​​resigned.

Sociologists and anthropologists have different opinions about social change. The following are the experts and their opinions about social change:

1. William F. Ogburn (1964), suggests that the scope of social change includes elements of material and immaterial culture, which focused on the effect of the elements of the material culture of the elements of the immaterial.
2. Kingsley Davis (1960), defines social change as changes occur in the structure and functioning of society. For example, the emergence of organized labor in capitalist society has led to changes in the relationship between workers and employers which in turn causes changes in the economic and political organization.
3. Mac Iver (1937: 272), means that changes sosialsebagai changes in social relations (He changes and changes not required) atausebagai changes to the balance (equilibrium) social relations.
4. Gillin and Gillin (1957: 279), mean changes sosialadalah a variety of ways of life that have been received, baikkarena changes geographical conditions, kebudayaanmaterial, the composition of the population, and ideology and karenaadanya diffusion or new discoveries dalammasyarakat
5. Selosoemardjan (1962: 379), to formulate social changes as the changes in social institutions in a society, which affects the social system, including values, attitudes, and behavior patterns among groups in society ,
6. Samuel Koenig (1957: 279) says that social change refers to modifications that occur in patterns of human life. Modifications can be caused by internal and external factors.
7. Sugihen (1982), linking social change with a few other words that refer to the same social processes, such as industrialization, modernization, and development.
8. Merton (1957; 1964), said that social change is the manifestation of a social engineering through development efforts symbolized or created in the course of industrialization towards a modern society.
9. Rogers, et. al. (1988), understand that social change is a process that gave birth to the changes in the structure and function of a social system. There are three main stages in the process of social change. First, starting from the creation or birth of something that developed into an idea. When the idea has been rolling like a wheel that rotates on its axis, and has been spread among the people so that change has entered the second stage. The third stage is called with the results, which are changes that occur in a social system in question as a result of the acceptance or rejection of an innovation.
10. Larson and Rogers (1964), put forward the notion of social changes associated with the adoption of technologies that social change is a continuous process in a certain stretch of time. Teknologitertentu application by a citizen to bring a social change which can be observed through the behavior of members of the public concerned.

11. Ferdinand Toennies (1855-1936), describes the process of social change as the development of Gemeinschaft into Gesellschaft. Gemeinschaft (community) is a group of people Interactional relations is direct, in, and look to others in its entirety. While Gesellschaft (patembayan) are the groups where interaction is indirect, superficial, only touching the surface of the skin or live alone, and focused on the part of other people, that is the position, authority, or ability.

12. Atkinson (1987) and Brooten (1978), said the definition of an activity or process that makes something or someone different from the previous situation and the processes that lead to changes in behavior patterns of individuals or institutions. There are four levels to be aware of changes in the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, individual and group behavior. Once a problem is analyzed, the strength, the understanding of the levels and changes in the cycle of change will be helpful.

13. Etzioni (1973) revealed that, the development community is often analogized as an evolutionary process, a process of change that is taking place very slowly. This thinking is strongly influenced by the findings of biology, which has expanded rapidly.
14. Spencer revealed that an organism will grow perfectly if it gets more complex and occurs a differentiation between organs. Perfection of organisms characterized by complexity, differentiation and integration. Development of society basically means the increase of differentiation and integration, division of labor and a change from homogeneous to heterogeneous state. Spencer trying to convince people without differentiation on the pre-industrial stage internally unstable precisely caused by disagreement among themselves. In the industrial society that has differentiated steadily towards stability will be a peaceful life. Industrial society characterized by increasing the protection of individual rights, the reduced power of the government, the end of war between countries, the elimination of state borders and the establishment of a global society.

15. Comte have thought highly influenced by the ideas of natural science. Comte thought known as the flow of positivism, believes that society must undergo various stages of evolution in each of these stages is associated with a certain thought patterns. Furthermore Comte explained that each occurrence of a new phase will begin with the opposition between traditional thinking and progressive thinking berdifat. As Spencer who used the analogy of the development of living things, Comte stated that with the division of labor, the public will become increasingly complex, and specialized terdeferiansi.

Comte divides social change in two concepts, namely social statics (structural buildings) and social dynamics (structural dynamics). Structural building is a structure that apply to a particular time period. The main discussion of the social structures in society that underlie and support the stability of society. While the structural dynamics are the things that change from one moment to the other. Changes to the building's structural and structural dynamics is part interrelated and can not be separated.

16. Kornblum (1988), seeks to provide an understanding of social change. The scope of social changes include cultural elements both material and immaterial. The emphasis is on the effect of the elements of material culture of the elements of the immaterial. Social change is defined as the changes that occurred in the structure and functioning of society.

17. Soekanto, (1990) defines social changes are all changes that occur in the community institutions in a society, which affects the social system. Pressure on these definitions are in public institutions as a set of human groups where changes affect the structure of society. Social change occurs due to a change in the elements that maintain the balance of the community such as a change in the geographic elements, biological, economic and cultural.

18. Moore (2000), social change is part of a cultural change. Changes in the culture includes all parts, including the arts, science, technology, philosophy and more. However, these changes do not affect the social organization of society. The scope of the cultural changes broader than social change.

Social change can occur in all areas of his form can be divided into several forms. Some forms of social change by Soekanto, as follows:

1. Changes in Slow and Quick Change.
Change occurs slowly will experience a barrage

changes that are interconnected within the time period

long enough. The development of these changes are included in evolution. Changes in the evolution can be observed by the time limit has been exceeded as a benchmark or the beginning to the present ongoing. As for determining when such changes occur, depending on the person concerned.

Social changes that occur quickly change the basic or staple the joints of people's lives, the change is called a revolution. For example, the Industrial Revolution in Europe. The revolution led to massive changes in the production process of industrial goods. Another example of Indonesia's Independence Proclamation which changed the order of state and government systems Homeland.


2. Changes Small Influence and Change
Large influence

Changes that little influence is change

affect the elements of community life. However,

These changes are considered not to have an important meaning in

social structure. For example, changes in fashion clothes that are not

violating social values. Great influence changes are changes that can affect the institutions that exist in society. For example, changes to the system of government that affect the state order of a nation.

3. Desired Change and Changes Not Desired
Changes desired (intended-change) or also called the planned changes (planned-change) the changes that had been previously planned, especially by those who have the authority to remove wisdom. For example, the implementation of the Family Planning (KB) to form small prosperous families and decrease the rate of population growth.

Unwanted changes (unintended-change) or also called unplanned changes (unplanned-change) is generally in tandem with the changes you want. For example the manufacture of a new road through a village, the village of natural resources will be easily marketed to the city. Thus, the welfare of the villagers will increase. Even so smooth relationship with the village of the town causing villagers simply do urbanization and the influx of city culture, especially the negative ones, such as a forced mode, liquor, pornographic VCDs, and wants the villagers to have luxury goods.

Nowadays a lot of behaviors that demonstrate social changes that occur in a community environment. In the neighborhood where I live ensued a wide variety of social changes, such as:

1. Changes in Population
In the past, a couple have a child who is more than two, for example, five, or six or more. With the program to Family Planning (FP), now a married couple has only two children. Besides influenced by changes in the population of births in my neighborhood also caused by the death and displacement of population. Many people who move to the city looking for work but also reverse many of the town residents who moved to the village.

2. Population Quality Changes
Taun-Taun community in the past only educated up to primary school or high school, but now people have much education to university. Thus increasing knowledge, akaibat this as a positive change.

However, in addition to a positive impact on the quality of the population, social change also had a negative impact in the form of moral decline which is owned by the community. This moral degradation often occurs in young children, it can be seen in less polite behavior in society. For example, when the road / pass in front of citizens without a greeting, an irreverent talk to others. In addition, many people who do not obey the rules of the society. For example about traffic rules.

3. Change Governance System
Sisitem changes that occur in state government, also has implications for the administration of a village. For example in a decision in a deliberation. I live in an environment where decisions are made through democracy through deliberation.
4. Change of Livelihood
Formerly, the livelihood of the population in my neighborhood is a large part as farmers, but with the passage of time and the development of the knowledge they have, many who become civil servants, employees of a company, and also there are other ditampat away from home to work.

5. Changes in Lifestyle
Along with the changing times, people's lifestyle is changing. Currently consumptive lifestyles already spread to the rural environment. Citizens have a high desire to shop. Examples of public consumer behavior can be seen for example in the style of dress. Every day there are always new clothes models are offered either in the shop or in the marketplace. Citizens who feel capable of certainly do not want to miss. In addition, the presence of social change, society has the view that foreign products are better than products from within the country.

6. Changes due to existence of Technology
In the past, farmers in my neighborhood are still using animal power assistance in working / plowing their fields and also assisted by neighbors in planting rice and other crops. But this time, with the development of technology, farmers have been using tractors in plowing fields and has also been using threshing machine to process the crops.

In addition to the technology in the field of agriculture, technology related to the communication is growing rapidly. In the past, if you want to communicate over long distances requires a long time. However, communication devices are now sophisticated. For example through mobile phones that are currently not a single person has only one means of communication. In fact, now teenage son that even though children still have to know what it was facebook, email, twitter, etc.
7. Culture Change
Cultural changes that occur in a community environment can be seen in the behavior of today's youth. Many of which mimic trends or culture of Western societies, for example, how to dress. Now, rarely young people who want to wear traditional Javanese (Yogyakarta), as well as in the wedding. They say too complicated.

In addition, examples of such cultural products, angklung, gamelan, Ketoprak art, traditional songs are no longer in demand by the public. Even people who do not know the local culture of their own homes. Today, the presence of the arts has been replaced by the songs of pop, rock, and so forth.



Social change can be regarded as a change of the social phenomena that exist in society, from the individual to the more complex. Social change may move towards an improvement, in this case the community will thrive. Instead, social change can also cause people's lives setbacks.

Many experts are expressing their opinions about social change. Among them William F. Ogburn, Selosoemardjan, Ferdinand Toennies, and Gillin Gillin, and many other experts. One view is the most well known by the people is the voice of Selosoemardjan (1962: 379) that formulate social change as any change in social institutions in a society, which affect social systems, including the values, attitudes, and patterns behavior among groups in society.

There are three (3) form or type of social change. The types are: slow changes and rapid changes, change is desired and unwanted changes, and changes that impact small and large changes to that effect.

Social changes that happened in my neighborhood are the following: changes in population size, lifestyle changes, changes in livelihood, population quality changes, regulatory changes, changes for their technological and cultural change.

Because the community is one of the factors that affect social change, then:

1. Should the community supports the change in the direction of progress and also play an active role to create a thriving community for the more advanced.
2. Despite the change (the changing times), citizens should not forget the cultural and ancestral heritage should preserve the culture.


Soekanto, Soerjono. 1990. Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers.

Sugihen, Bahrein T. 1994. Sosiologi Pedesaan. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers.

Waluya, Bagja. Sosiologi 3. 2009.  Menyelami Fenomena Sosial di Masyarakat Untuk Kelas XII. Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas.

Veeger, Karel J, dkk. 1997.  Pengantar Sosiologi. Jakarta : Victory Jaya Abadi.

Giddens, Anthony, dkk. 2009. Sosiologi Sejarah dan Berbagai Pemikirannya. Yogyakarta : Kreasi Wacana.

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